General rules:
1: If u find any post to be inappropriate or wrong use only the report button.
2: Only language to be used on Ourcom is English.
3: No spamming of anykind.
4: Always check what you have posted&edit if needed.
5: Be polite. Give respect, get respect.
6: Do not advertise any site in posts you make. So called "watermarks" in post images are allowed as long those images relate to posts you make, also other site as passwords is allowed in Members Download Area.
7. All Admins Decisions are Final
8.Do Not Sell or Offer Cheap File Hosting Accounts ( Rapidshare,Hotfile,Megaupload Etc., ) Without getting approval from any ADMIN.
Posting rules:
1: Post in correct forum. Wrong forum, post(s) are trashed.
2: Add image and info in your post. If no info, post(s) are trashed.
3: Use BBCode on all links&images. If any uncoded URL, post is trashed.
4: post direct link(s) to files, others are trashed.
Avatar rules:
1: If you don't have avatar, try to get one.
2: Max size for avatar is 150x150.
3: Do not use any pornographic avatars.
Signature rules:
1: If you don't have signature, try to get one.
2: It is not allowed to use the signature as an advertise.
3: You are not allowed to use HTML/URL.
4: Do not use any pornographic signature.
Misc :
1.We choose new staff members based on members reputation on board.
2.This is how you get banned: after 3 warnings, spamming,posting protected/hidden/shorten links, flaming, insulting, using DEA-address to register, ignoring staff PM,or breaking any other rule.
3.Ourcom staff members will edit/remove/delete any content in posts/profile what is not suitable for Ourcom.
Thank you
Administration Of Ourcom